Kirby? Furby? Herby? NO! HERBIE.

Kirby? Furby? Herby? NO! HERBIE.

Q: Who are you? Where are you from? What do you do? Do you enjoy what you do?

A:  Hi, I am Herbie. I am in my early twenties, and I have a lot of hobbies. I like to take pictures- people, places, things. My speciality is film. I also enjoy doing graphic work as well, reworking images, creating collages and drawing my own sketches. At times I will do a little bit of arts and crafts, pen sketches and work on canvas with either sharpie or paint. I express myself and my creativity through various mediums.

Q: Where do you go for inspiration? Inspiration or motivation you may say. Do you have a muse?

A: For inspiration I do many things, some days it is a simple drive in the morning to my favorite coffee shop to sip on a cold brew and just break down my thoughts. Other times it may be a visit to an art museum or exhibition. Seeing different artists styles of work over the years helps to inspire new pieces of my own, hence where I get inspiration for reworks. As for a muse, I believe they constantly change as we continue to grow and learn to find beauty in different things.

Q: In your life what struggles have you faced? Did you overcome them?

A: In life everyone goes through struggles, I believe these hardships help people build character. It's all about how you react and move forward for a positive future. It's not always easy but I try to look at struggles as a lesson. Learn from it, grow from it, and move on from it.

Q: Do you believe trauma can be used as inspiration or motivation? If so, why?

A: I do believe trauma can be used as inspiration and motivation. Inspiration as in the aspect of creating art through pain- whether it is writing music, painting, clothing design; the list goes on. It is different for everyone, but for someone like myself I am not always able to express my feelings through words. This is where art comes into my life. 

Q: Do you believe you have experienced a “Just say no” moment in your life? What was the hardest “NO” you had to give?

A: Looking back I have definitely had a  “Just Say No” moment. It is hard to even call it a moment, i'd rather say moments* as it has happened several times. I like to challenge myself which typically results in me overworking and overbooking. In times like that I have to say no for my own peace. I sometimes struggle saying “no” because I am a people person and try my best to always make sure everyone is taken care of. 

Q: What future plans do you have for yourself?

A: I do have a few plans up my sleeve for this upcoming year. One of the few is to be more consistent with designing clothes, whether it is for myself or to share with the world. I plan to do that through my brand “Forcefully Living”. I have been working on a few shirts and hoodies that I am eager to bring to life. I am excited to see how people will interpret my art. I plan on being more hands-on with film photography as well. Specifically, I would like to plan and direct shoots and collaborate with more creatives alike. Another dream is to have a gallery showing, where I showcase some of my artwork, clothing, and photographs. I can sit here and type a lot about my future plans but I rather just show you as I go. 2024 is going to be a fun, creative, abundant year for me and all those around me. 

Q: Describe yourself in three words.

A: Three words to describe myself would be: 




Hard Working

You may find more of Herbie's work on instagram @herbie_1923
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